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Red Kite Learning Trust
Rossett Acre Primary School copyright (67)



19 July 2024

Newsletter 18 July 2024

We've come to the end of another busy week and year. Have a look at our final newsletter of the year.

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12 July 2024

Newsletter 11 July 2024

We are delighted to inform you that we have just been awarded the Gold Healthy Schools Award.

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5 July 2024

Newsletter 4 July 2024

Year 4 enjoyed their first residential to Nell Bank.

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28 June 2024

Newsletter 27 June 2024

34 of our instrumentalists and singers attended a fun music day at Harrogate Grammar School.

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21 June 2024

Newsletter 20 June 2024

We had a visit from Harrogate Grammar School's very talented orchestra.

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13 June 2024

Newsletter 13 June 2024

Year 2 enjoyed a lovely visit to Harlow Carr.

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6 June 2024

Newsletter 6 June 2024

Year 3 children enjoyed a lovely trip to Harlow Carr this week.

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23 May 2024

Newsletter 23 May 2024

Don't forget our Summer Fair is on Saturday 22 June at 1pm.

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16 May 2024

Newsletter 16 May 2024

Fantastic result for our Y3 and 4 children at the Red Kite Football Competition.

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10 May 2024

Newsletter 9 May 2024

Have a look at what our lovely Early Years children have been writing.

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3 May 2024

Newsletter 2 May 2024

Our Y4/5 Girls had a fantastic tournament at Rossett High, coming first overall. Well done girls.

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26 April 2024

Newsletter 25 April 2024

Our wonderful PVA organised 3 discos for children this week.

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18 April 2024

Newsletter 18 April 2024

We have our Book Fair coming up. Read on to find out how you can get involved.

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12 April 2024

Newsletter 11 April 2024

Welcome to the first newsletter of the summer term.

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21 March 2024

Newsletter 21 March 2024

Year 2 had a very exciting visit from The Harrogate Vet. Read our newsletter to find out more.

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15 March 2024

Newsletter 14 March 2024

This week children have been taking part in Science Week. More details will follow next week.

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8 March 2024

Newsletter 7 March 2024

Children enjoyed lots of reading activities this week and yesterday dressed up for World Book Day.

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1 March 2024

Newsletter 29 February 2024

Mrs Penhale led an assembly on compassion and being kind to others. Read more in our newsletter.

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23 February 2024

Newsletter 22 February 2024

Some of our children attended the Young Voices concert at Sheffield on 9 February. They sang beautifully and were a real credit to school.

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9 February 2024

Newsletter 8 February 2024

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2 February 2024

Newsletter 1 February 2024

Well done to our Year 5/6 footballers who came 2nd in the Utilita Football Competition at Harrogate High School.

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26 January 2024

Newsletter 25 January 2024

Next Friday it is the Walk to School Day. Please do try and walk if you can.

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19 January 2024

Newsletter 18 January 2024

Mrs Penhale led an assembly on kindness and generosity. Please read more in our newsletter.

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12 January 2024

Newsletter 11 January 2024

Happy New Year and welcome back.

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22 December 2023

Newsletter 21 December 2023

Children have had lots of fun this week, enjoying their Christmas parties.

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15 December 2023

Newsletter 14 December 2023

This week we have been wowed by the children's nativity and Christmas productions.

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8 December 2023

Newsletter 8 December 2023

The Christmas tree is up, Christmas productions are in full swing with their rehearsals and some naughty elves have been up to various activities around school.

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5 December 2023

Newsletter 30 November 2023

Don't forget to buy your raffle tickets for the PTA Christmas raffle.

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24 November 2023

Newsletter 23 November 2023

Thank you to everyone who donated to the Children in Need appeal. We raised over £750.00. Amazing!

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10 November 2023

Newsletter 9 November 2023

I wanted to say a huge thank you to the parents and children (PTA) who held a Cake Bake on the last day of term before the holidays. It was so popular that they ran out of cakes! Thank you to everyone who provided cakes for the sale and to those of you who bought cakes too. The sale raised £300.07! A fantastic amount.

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27 October 2023

Newsletter 26 October 2023

Well done to everyone who took part in the Walk to School Day.

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20 October 2023

Newsletter 19 October 2023

Children had a lovely visit to St Mark's Church to celebrate Harvest Festival. Thank you for all the donations which have been donated to Harrogate Foodbank.

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13 October 2023

Newsletter 12 October 2023

This week's newsletter focusses on mental health week and the activities children have been engaged in.

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5 October 2023

Newsletter 5 October 2023

QUOTE OF THE WEEK ‘The more you read the more things you will know. The more you learn the more places you’ll go” Dr Seuss.

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28 September 2023

Newsletter 28th September 2023

The children had a fabulous time at East Barnby this year. Despite the weather being absolutely atrocious for the first few days, the children really got stuck in to the activities and not a single child complained about the heavy (continuous) rain and up to 40mph winds!

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21 September 2023

Newsletter 21 September 2023

This week our Year 6 children, along with Mrs Ingle; Mrs Mansfield; Miss Matthews; Mrs Lang and Mr Marshall, have been on their residential at East Barnby.

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14 September 2023

Newsletter 14 September 2023

This week our EYFS children have experienced their first week in school and it is fabulous to see them playing and learning. I am always amazed at how quickly young children settle into school and love how they delight in telling you about their learning.

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7 September 2023

Newsletter 4 September 2023

I hope you all had a wonderful summer holiday. The children have been telling me about some exciting visits, holidays and trips. It has been good to be back in school and hear, and feel it, come alive again, with the sound of children.

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20 July 2023

Newsletter 20 July 2023

End of term newsletter from Rossett Acre Primary with Summer Holiday activity ideas

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13 July 2023

Newsletter 13 July 2023

With Summer Learning Family workbook for FREE FAMILY FUN THIS SUMMER!

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6 July 2023

Newsletter 6 July 2023

On Monday this week, Alison Wheat from Harrogate Library led an assembly on the Summer Reading Challenge. She challenged the children to read six books over the summer. A leaflet has been sent out to classes to give you more information

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29 June 2023

Newsletter 30 June 2023

A huge thank you to everyone who came to the Summer Fair on Saturday, it was a great turnout and the weather was glorious for us. The ice-cream van line remained long, all day, and the storytime marquee was a great success too.

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22 June 2023

Newsletter 22 June 2023

On Monday, Charlotte (Year 6 pupil who is part of the Trust Youth Board) visited Harrogate Grammar and Western School to look at 1:1 iPad scheme.The Youth Board viewed lessons at Western Primary to see them in action and then had lunch and a discussion with Richard Sheriff.

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15 June 2023

Newsletter 15 June 2023

There has been a definite buzz around school this week with exciting things happening. The Annual Show was another success, and I was very tempted to try all the yummy looking cakes, breads and jams as I was taking a look at the entries.

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9 June 2023

Newsletter 8 June 2023

We've got lots of events planned for this Summer term, annual show, sports days to name a few.

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25 May 2023

Newsletter 25 May 2023

On Thursday, last week, we held a New Starters Information meeting for parents/carers’ of children who will join us in September. The event was well attended and it was great sharing information about our school and enabling those present to have a look at our Early Years classrooms and meet the teachers.

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12 May 2023

Newsletter 11 May 2023

This week, Year 6 have been sitting their KS2 SATs. They have one Maths paper left to complete tomorrow and then they will have finished them. Hurrah! The Y6 children have been fabulous all week, they have been an absolute pleasure in our SATs breakfast club and they have approached their SATs so maturely. I am so proud of them all. Well done.

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4 May 2023

Newsletter 4 May 2023

This week has been a little strange, the bank holiday and industrial action has caused the days to meld into one and nobody is quite sure what day it is! However, the children have been working hard and lots has been going on.

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28 April 2023

Newsletter 27 April 2023

All the latest from Rossett Acre Primary. On Monday, Mr Alastair Field, the Head of primary at Roundhay School, Leeds, visited us for the morning to look at the quality of our writing in school and speak to children and staff. Mr Field was very complimentary about our children’s writing and really enjoyed observing the teachers and children working in class.

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21 April 2023

Newsletter 20 April 2023

Welcome back to the start of the Summer term. I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and enjoyed one or two Easter eggs!

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30 March 2023

Newsletter 30 March 2023

On Friday, last week, our school hosted a Red Kite Learning Trust Recruitment Open Day. This was organised by our Trust HR team and it was great to share information about our school and the opportunities available to us by being part of a Trust.

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23 March 2023

Newsletter 23 March 2023

Latest news from Rossett Acre. On Friday last week, we had a lovely Red Nose Day. We raised £284.10. Thank you so much to everyone who donated. Look out for the winning jokes in this newsletter – further down.

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16 March 2023

Newsletter 16 March 2023

Thank you to all our parents/carers’ who attended our Open Classroom event on Tuesday. I know the children were thrilled to see you and share their work.

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9 March 2023

Newsletter 9 March 2023

On Friday 3rd March, Mrs Wood's class led a spectacular circus themed assembly to their parents as well as the Year 2, Year 1 and Reception classes.

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2 March 2023

Newsletter 2 March 2023

Latest news from Rossett Acre

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23 February 2023

Newsletter 23 February 2023

Welcome back, everyone. I hope you had a lovely half term break.

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9 February 2023

Newsletter 9 February 2023

I can’t quite believe that we have reached the end of another half term! It has been a busy week in school with lots of exciting things taking place.

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2 February 2023

RAP Newsletter 2 February 2023

At Rossett Acre Primary this week I have seen Y3 (PA/EH) rehearsing their assembly which they are performing next week. I can’t wait for parents/carers to come back into school and watch their children perform.

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26 January 2023

Newsletter 26 January 2023

This week, Miss Woodcock led our whole school Monday assembly. She showed the children the importance of being kind and that once words are out in the open, you can’t take them back. This was demonstrated with a tube of toothpaste, where one child squeezed all the toothpaste out of the tube and another child tried to put it back, to no avail.

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19 January 2023

Newsletter 19 January 2023

All the latest from our school

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6 January 2023

Newsletter 5 January 2023

Happy New Year, here is the first newsletter of the term.

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Rossett Acre Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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