- For Parents/Carers
- Admissions
- School Information Booklet
- Attendance & Absence
- Medication and Health Issues
- Fun Club - Before and After School Club
- Reception Pupils Starting School in September 2024
- Behaviour
- Our school day
- Calendar
- E-Safety
- Safeguarding
- School Lunches/Food in School
- Financial Assistance
- Uniform & Appearance
- Online Payments
- Parent view
- Science at RAP
- Useful forms and downloads
- Parent Communications
Parent Communications
Arbor is a cloud-based, completely secure and GDPR compliant pupil information management system. It allows us to hold accurate and up to date information, as well as enabling parents to log on from home to update their child’s details.
Arbor is the main way we communicate with parents. As well as emails, we send text messages. These tend to be for urgent messages or reminders, such as school closure or an event being cancelled.
Once we have been informed that your child has been allocated a place at Rossett Acre, you will be sent an Arbor login link.
You will then be able to update your child’s details and agree/decline consents, such as photo permission.
ParentPay is our payment system that parents use to make payments for school lunches, trips and events.
When your child joins school, they will be issued with an activation letter which will
contain login details and full instructions on how to use ParentPay.
Tapestry - Early Years
Tapestry is an online system used to record your child's learning in Early Years. We will upload photos, videos and observations of your children. The Early Years team will supply further detailed information about Tapestry before your child starts school.
Class DoJo - Years 1-6
Class Dojo is an effective way for teachers to connect with parents and families by sending reminders and keeping them in the loop about what is happening in their class. For example, reminders about which days are PE days, or where there is a change to the normal day or if your child needs to bring something in (e.g. for science).
Parents are also able to send short messages regarding minor matters or queries to the teachers directly.
“Victor has woken up with a toothache, please can you keep an eye on him.”
“Please can you remind me if it is the Tudor visitor this week?”
“Do they need wellies for Forest School this week?”
Please be aware that these may not be picked up straight away – particularly if they are sent during the school day.
It is also important to remember that this is not an instant messaging service and all urgent messages, messages regarding absences and change to pick up arrangements should be directed to the school office
Parental Consultation
Parents will be invited at regular intervals throughout the year to discuss their child’s progress. Of course, parents are welcome to discuss their child’s work at other times and are encouraged to make an appointment to speak to their child’s class teacher at a mutually convenient time.
A written report is sent home at the end of the year, and opportunities for discussion of this are offered.
Information, dates, invitations or requests to parents are communicated via a letter sent home (with the child) in paper form or by email.
Information can also be sought from ‘Tapestry’ (Early Years) and on Class Dojo (Years 1-6) which teachers can use to send messages to parents.
Weekly Newsletter
Our school newsletter is emailed to all parents every Thursday. It is a round up of all the lovely events, news and children’s achievements that have taken place throughout the week.
Social Media
X (formerly Twitter): @RossettAcreSch
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ Rossett-Acre-Primary-School- 106190348466041
- For Parents/Carers
- Admissions
- School Information Booklet
- Attendance & Absence
- Medication and Health Issues
- Fun Club - Before and After School Club
- Reception Pupils Starting School in September 2024
- Behaviour
- Our school day
- Calendar
- E-Safety
- Safeguarding
- School Lunches/Food in School
- Financial Assistance
- Uniform & Appearance
- Online Payments
- Parent view
- Science at RAP
- Useful forms and downloads
- Parent Communications