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Red Kite Learning Trust
Rossett Acre - Lunchtime - 2023 (1)

For Parents/Carers

Our school day

Rossett Acre - Trim Trail - 2023 (7)

The school day starts at 8.50am, however, children can enter their class rooms from 8.40am where they will be met by their teachers. Late pupils should come to the school office and sign in.

Morning lessons start at 9.00am and continue until 11:45 for Early Years, noon for KS1, and until 12.10pm for KS2. The afternoon session is from 1.00pm to 3.20pm for Early Years, 1:00pm to 3.30pm for KS1 and 1:10pm to 3:30pm for KS2.

Reception children have flexible breaks in the morning and afternoon; they have opportunities to be outdoors each day as we provide a ‘free flow’ environment for them. They are able to go outside even in poor weather, so please provide your child with a pair of wellington boots for use in school. There is also a 15 minute break mid-morning and mid-afternoon for KS1 and KS2.

Teaching time for Early Years is 21 hours 15 minutes per week, KS1 is 23 hours 20 minutes per week and 23 hours 20 minutes for KS2 excluding registration, assembly and break times.

A daily assembly takes place for all children, and parents are invited to class assemblies. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from assembly and if they wish to do so, they should contact the Headteacher.

School Dinners

School meals are prepared on site. Dinners must be paid for in advance for the half term. We operate the ‘ParentPay’ system, enabling parents to make payments on-line in advance. Meals are served in a cafeteria system and there is a choice of hot food each day.

We try to offer as much fresh food as possible, and we attempt to give good social training at lunch times. It is also possible for your child to bring a packed lunch. Currently, children may either have a school meal every day of the week or a packed lunch every day of the week. Menus detailing food choices each week are available from the school office or via the school’s website here.

Access to School

Children enter school through their cloakroom doors from 8.40am until 8.50am, after which time the doors are locked, for a prompt lesson start at 9.00am. The gate on Richmond Avenue is open at the beginning and end of the school day only.

At all other times school should be accessed via the main reception area off Pannal Ash Road. Cloakroom exits can be used by children and parents at 3.30pm for Years 1-6 and 3.20pm for Early Years. If you know that you will be late for drop off/pick up, please contact school as soon as possible, and arrive as soon as you can. We prefer to have the children in late than not at all.

Rossett Acre Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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