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School Lunches/Food in School
Letter for September 2023
Menu from November 2024
Dinner money
First Half of Spring Term W/c 6 January 2025
The cost is £2.85 per day, £14.25 per week.
The cost for every day (5 weeks and 4 days) = £82.65
REMINDER: School meals need to be booked and paid for IN ADVANCE FOR THE WHOLE HALF TERM.
If your child requires a medical diet due to a food allergy, food intolerance or a medical condition that requires an adapted menu (e.g. carbohydrate count for Type 1 Diabetes), please download this form to request a medical diet:
Hutchison Catering Managing Special Diets in Primary Schools- Parent Information
For further support, please contact the school office.
School Lunches
Healthy school lunches are prepared on site daily. Each day there is a delicious meal served to the children opting for school meals. There is always an alternative option of a baked potato for main course and fruit of yoghurt for dessert.
Packed Lunches
We are a healthy school and have achieved the Healthy Schools Enhanced Award. We ask that children in Key Stage 2 bring a piece of fruit or healthy snack rather than a bag of crisps for his or her mid-morning break. In Key Stage 1 fruit is provided for the mid-morning break. Any children seen eating crisps or unhealthy choices at break-time will be asked to put them away, either into their lunch box or school bag.
Sweets and chocolate are not to be brought into school ordinarily; however, many children like to bring treats in to celebrate their birthday. This is allowed, as long as sweets are wrapped. They will be given out only at the end of the school day. If you do not want your child to eat such treats, please see your child’s class teacher. You can, of course, provide an alternative treat for your child in these circumstances, to be left with your child’s class teacher to distribute on such occasions if you so wish. This way, no child feels left out.
Children in KS2 can bring a healthy snack and suggestions below may be useful for you.
Healthy snack suggestions for Key Stage 2 children (Years 3 to 6)
‘Run Faster’ snacks (energy giving)
- Flapjack Malt loaf
- Hot cross bun Bread
- Breadsticks
- Rice cakes (low salt version)
- Fruit/cereal bars (avoid ones with nuts and chocolate on please!) Marmite on bread or rice cakes
- Crispbread
Muscle growing’ snacks (protein giving)
- Diced cheese
- Pineapple and cheese
- Seeds eg sunflower, pumpkin
‘Healthy bodies’ snacks (lots of vitamins, help eyes, skin, resist colds etc.)
- Dried fruit eg apricots, mango, banana, raisins, cranberries, cherries Fruit smoothies (carton, plastic bottle or home-made)
- Vegetable sticks eg carrot, pepper
- Fresh fruit eg banana, apple and kiwi (cut in half at home and please provide a spoon). Grapes can also be a great snack but please cut these in half lengthways at home to prevent them being a choking hazard.
We do ask that snacks/lunches containing nuts are not sent into school.
If a child is seen eating a snack at break time that we do not consider healthy eg crisps, chocolate bar, they will be asked to put it back into their bag to take home.
Children who are under the age of 5 receive free milk provided by our supplier ‘Cool Milk’.
Children should bring a water bottle to school each day. There are water fountains around school should they need to refill their bottles during the day. We do encourage children to drink water rather than juice.
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