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Red Kite Learning Trust

Our curriculum

Religious Education (RE)

Vision for RE

Through RE, our vision is to achieve excellence and happiness for all by providing well balanced, engaging and enquiry based curriculum covering a variety of faiths and worldviews. Through observation and discussion, children are encouraged to consider their own thoughts and feelings regarding beliefs and values. This will ensure that children have an awareness and respect for both the similarities and differences between themselves and others and are understanding and respectful of all people.

RE in Early Years

Children should:

  • Encounter religions and worldviews through special people, books, times, places and objects
  • Listen to subject specific stories from different world faiths (including Christianity and Islam)
  • Ask questions to reflect on their own feelings and experiences.
  • Use all their senses to explore beliefs, practises and forms of expressions
  • Use their imagination and curiosity to develop their appreciation of, and wonder at the world in which they live

RE in Key Stage 1

  • Know about different beliefs and practises and the meaning behind them.
  • Retell and suggest meanings to some religious and moral stories.
  • Recognise some different symbols and actions which express a community’s way of life.
  • Notice and respond sensitively to some similarities between different religions and worldviews.
  • Use words, music, art, poetry to express their own responses to questions raised.
  • Find out about and respond with ideas about cooperation between people who are different and questions about right and wrong.

Children will primarily explore the faiths of Christianity and Islam during KS1

RE in Lower Key Stage 2

Children will explore Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism and Islam, as well as discussing the beliefs of other non-religious groups such as Humanists.

  • Describe, observe and understand varied examples of religions and worldviews so they can explain their meaning and significance.
  • Discover more about religious festivals (Easter, Pesach, Eid, Diwali).
  • Explore and describe what it means to be both a Christian and Hindu in England today.
  • Present thoughtfully, their own and others views on challenging questions using words, music, art and poetry.
  • Discuss and apply their own and others’ ideas about ethical questions, such as what is right and wrong

RE in Upper Key Stage 2

Children will explore Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Humanism. A visit to a Mosque will support learning in this area.

  • Consider and apply ideas about ways in which diverse communities can live together, responding thoughtfully to ideas about community, values and respect.
  • Present thoughtfully, their own and others views on challenging questions using words, music, art and poetry.
  • Discuss and apply their own and others’ ideas about ethical questions, such as what is just and fair, and express their own ideas clearly in response.
  • Respond thoughtfully to stories and other aspects of the communities they are studying

Progression Document

Subject Leader Display Poster-RE

Rossett Acre Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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