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Red Kite Learning Trust

Our curriculum

PE and School Sport

Our Vision

As part of Rossett Acre’s value of ‘Excellence and Happiness for all’, our vision for PE is to promote the importance of living an active life. Opportunities will be sought to engage all children in regular physical activities both within the school day and during extra-curricular clubs/sporting events. We provide a high quality physical education programme where pupils develop physical competence and confidence, are given opportunities to be physically educated and become physically literate through a broad range of competitive and non-competitive sports and activities, both inside and outside of teaching hours.

“Through our teaching of physical education, pupils discover their aptitudes, abilities and preferences and make informed choices about how to get involved in lifelong physical activity.”

Mrs Wood (PE Lead)

In July 2024, Rossett Acre was awarded the Platinum Kitemark and Youth Sports Trust Quality Mark – this demonstrates our dedication to improving PE and Sport at our school.

RAP_PE (3)The PE Curriculum

We aim to provide a broad and balanced PE curriculum in line with the requirements of the National Curriculum. All children participate in 2 hours of curriculum time PE per week. During these lessons children take part in games, gymnastics and dance activities. The curriculum is enriched through the use of REAL PE resources which aim to develop the fundamental skills required to be successful in a range of sports.

Each half term teachers will plan their Physical Education based on a different multi-ability cog each half term. These are: Personal, Social, Cognitive, Creative, Physical and Health and Fitness. Each of these units contains a sequence of lessons, including the progression of fundamental movement skills. These movement skills are taken from the National Curriculum for PE.  

Progression Document

REAL PE curriculum maps from FS-KS1-KS2

REAL Dance Progression of skills

REAL Gym Progression of skills

The physical education provision will contribute to the personal development, health and well-being, enjoyment, success and achievement of all pupils across the whole curriculum and beyond. These activities are a balance of the traditional and non-traditional, utilising our dedicated sports hall and fantastic outside spaces to the full.

Physical Education provides pupils with the opportunity to be creative, competitive and face up to different challenges as individuals, in groups and teams. It promotes positive attitudes towards a healthy and active lifestyle. Pupils learn how to think in different ways and make decisions in response to creative, competitive and challenging activities. They learn how to reflect on their performance, plan, perform and evaluate actions, ideas and performances to improve the quality of their work.

PE Threads


PE Long Term Plan


Children in Year 4 and Year 2 currently attend swimming lessons at Starbeck Pool. Here they learn water confidence with a target of being able to achieve swimming 25m unaided.

Active Break Times

Our school actively encourages and promotes active break times. Several sports clubs run at lunchtimes and an ‘Active Afternoon’ break has now been introduced for children in Years 1 to 6. The main focus of this is skipping. Each child in Key Stage 2 has their own skipping rope in school. Two Skipping Workshops have taken place in recent years to develop skipping skills and to inspire the children to beat personal challenges.

Sports Crew and Play Leaders

Our older children (in Years 5 and 6) have the opportunity to become Play Leaders or members of our School Sports Crew. Play Leaders lead games and activities for our younger pupils during lunchtimes. Our Sports Crew are involved in planning, leading and organising Level 1 competitions within school and reporting on competitions the school has taken part in.

Sporting Success

In the past few years, teams from the school have represented Harrogate in Tri-Golf and Quick Sticks Hockey at the North Yorkshire School Games Finals. The School also won The Tolly Richardson Swimming Gala in 2018.

warning-64Remaining safe when doing P.E at home

Please remember:

  • You must have a grown up with you when you do any home P.E challenge (maybe they could even join in! )
  • The activities should take place in a space big enough for you to move around safer (preferably outside where possible, and including above your head! )
  • Ensure your space is safe for you to exercise in - making sure there is nothing you could fall over or into. Your safety comes first .
  • Make sure the floor is not slippery and doesn't have anything sharp lying on it.
  • Wear comfortable clothing, put your hair up (if needed) and remove any jewellery/watches etc.

Keep smiling, have fun and stay active! 

Sports Funding

We use the Sports Funding we receive to:

  • Support the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
  • Develop the profile of PE and sport across the school, using this as a tool for whole school improvement
  • Increase the confidence, knowledge and skills of staff in the teaching of PE and sport
  • Provide a broader experience in the range of sports and activities offered to pupils
  • Increase the participation in competitive sport

Sports Funding overview 2023-2024

Sports Funding Overview 2022-2023

Useful websites for doing PE at home

Here are some useful websites if you would like to continue your child’s PE learning at home and keep active as a family:


Move while you learn supporting English and Maths

Videos delivered by teachers focussing on the PE curriculum which are accessible on YouTube. These have been commissioned by the Association for Physical Education (for KS1 & KS2)

Yoga for children

Boogie Beebies – Dancing for Early Years (Reception children)

Videos to get younger children active with Cbeebies presenters

10 minute shake up based on Disney films

A range of videos including gymnastics, dance, yoga and movement skills. Cross curricular activities, and ways to keep your body and mind active and as healthy as possible.

Active Kids Do Better

A range of ideas and resources to inspire families to do some physical activity together (KS1 & KS2)

Joe Wicks - The Body Coach TV

Although originally filmed during Lockdown, these short burst of exercise are fun and easy to complete as a whole family.

Get Kids Moving!

A brilliant YouTube channel to keep you (and the grown ups) active. Exercise with many of your favourite characters like Spider-man, Snape or even Elsa!

Change 4 Life

The Change 4 Life pages are also very good for all round advice and ideas for maintaining a healthy lifestyle - games, recipes, activities and information about healthy living. The 10minute Shake Up games are great for finding something fun to do, working towards your 60 Active Minutes.

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Rossett Acre Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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