At Rossett Acre, we provide a fully-inclusive environment, supporting a wide range of learning needs.
To achieve our whole school vision of Excellence and Happiness for All, we aim to ensure that every child will have their needs met appropriately to help them to achieve their full potential and that all children will feel valued and supported within the school community; leading to all children being confident, happy learners. We are here to support your child. Some children at different times in their school career will need some temporary additional support and sometimes, a specific need is identified and a longer-term programme of support is needed.
Through carefully targeted support and nurture we aim to ensure that all children have an equal opportunity to participate in the curriculum, according to their individual needs.
Our SEND policy and practice, aims to establish an inclusive framework for making effective provision for our children at Rossett Acre. Our staff are well trained and we identify SEND early, putting in place appropriate support and/or interventions. We focus on desired outcomes for our pupils and work collaboratively with parents/carers towards these. Class teachers are skilled in using quality first teaching to include all children in the class learning and a graduated approach is used to ensure that all children’s needs are met.
Additional support may be provided by our team of skilled teaching assistants and collaboration with other agencies is co-ordinated, if required. All of this work is carried out in discussion with parents, and with continued support, advice and input from the Inclusion Manager. We review progress regularly and continue to set ambitious targets to enable our pupils with SEND to realise their potential.
For further information, please read our SEND Information Report: this outlines the wide-ranging provision we offer. All of our staff are committed to providing a curriculum that works for all pupils.
Our SENCo, Kate Woodcock, is more than happy to discuss the needs of your child.
Please contact her via the school office on 01423 561579 for an appointment.
Children are supported by our Nurture Team; Miss Bland, Mrs Littlefair and Mrs Tinfina. Our whole-school approach to Wellbeing and the seamless use of our Nurture Team, with their tailored sessions and teacher support is enabling our pupils to experience positive academic attachments; creating a safe and trusting environment, providing opportunities to develop relationships, enriching a sense of self and enhancing communication and learning skills.
June 2022 Ofsted judgements of ‘outstanding’ for personal development of our children |