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Red Kite Learning Trust

Our curriculum


Vision for Science

As part of Rossett Acre’s vision of ‘Excellence and Happiness for all’, our vision for Science is to foster a passion for investigating.

Exciting, inspiring lessons develop a love of discovery. This results in motivated scientists and children who enjoy investigating both in and out of school.


In KS1 and KS2, all children explore the world around them through investigations.

With support, in KS1 they use simple equipment, record their findings and begin to use scientific language. Within KS2, the children become more independent and begin to set up their own fair tests. They record their results in a variety of ways, becoming increasingly accurate taking measurements. The children communicate their findings and can form their own conclusions. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) challenges form a basis of our curriculum and allow the children develop their STEM skills within a team.

Science in Early Years

The children explore about similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things. With help, they ask questions about similarities and differences.

They use their senses to sort and match. The children use simple equipment and make simple records.

They explore the outdoors and make observations of plants and animals. They explain why some things occur and talk about changes.

Science in Key Stage 1

The children learn to name and identify common wild and garden plants. They investigate what plants need to grow. They name parts of the body and explore animal lifecycles, in addition to sorting animals into different groups. They can name a variety of materials, explain their properties and compare their uses.

The children explore different habitats in the school grounds and further afield. They can describe how different habitats provide the basic needs for plants and animals.

Throughout the year, the seasonal changes are observed, along with the weather and amount of daylight.

Science in Lower Key Stage 2

When exploring plants, the children know the functions of each part of the plant and can explain the life-cycle.

In humans and other animals, they look at the skeleton, teeth, digestion and the importance of nutrition.

They investigate and compare different types of rocks.

The children create electrical circuits, investigating conductors.

They explore the reflection of light and the formation of shadows.

They compare materials and explore the water cycle.

The children explore magnetism and forces. They know how sounds are made and investigate changes in pitch.

They use classification keys to identify and name living things.

Science in Upper Key Stage 2

Children are able to describe the differences in life cycles of animals.

They learn about the changes as humans develop with age.

They explore materials and investigate dissolving and separation.

They learn about the movement of the Earth and Moon. Investigations with levers, pulleys and gears helps them understand forces.

Children describe how living things are classified. They look at the human circulatory system in detail and can describe the function of the heart and blood.

The children explore evolution and adaptations in plants and animals.

They create electrical circuits, comparing and giving reasons for variations in how the components function

Subject Leader Display - Science

Rossett Acre Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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