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Red Kite Learning Trust
Rossett Acre - Early Years Playtime - 2023 (1)

Our School

Our Aims, Vision and Ethos

Rossett Acre - Reading Outdoors - 2023 (5)

Vision: Excellence and happiness for all

Download our vision, ethos and aims

Our Aims

  • We will provide a safe, friendly and healthy environment where children feel valued, respected and happy and have a proactive approach to meeting mental and physical health and well-being needs.
  • We will provide inspirational teaching and learning experiences which motivate, engage and challenge all learners, reflecting their interests in an inclusive environment.
  • We will support and nurture the whole child, providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to reach academic excellence and the highest levels of personal, social, spiritual and moral development.
  • We aim for all children to leave Rossett Acre as independent, polite, socially adept and inquisitive individuals who are resilient, possess a life-long love of learning and who are prepared for the next stage of their lives.
  • We aim to deliver a unique, broad and balanced curriculum that provides children with financial and technological skills and environmental awareness to prepare and support them in our rapidly changing world.
  • We stimulate children’s curiosity through promoting the arts, immersing them in our language-rich
  • We work collaboratively in partnership with children, parents and the wider community to create new opportunities, enhance our curriculum and to strive to meet all children’s needs effectively.
  • Mutual respect is encouraged and modelled through the highest expectations of behaviour using a restorative
  • We celebrate everyone’s uniqueness, treasuring individuality and diversity in our school and wider community enabling children to make a positive contribution and recognise their place in the world.
  • Through our own values, underpinned by British values, we encourage all children to develop as respectful and morally responsible citizens now and in the future with everyone in school following the Golden Rule “Treat others as you would like to be treated”.

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Ethos: To respect every individual.

At Rossett Acre, children are at the very heart of everything we do. Our welcoming and friendly environment is complemented by high quality teaching and learning experiences, enveloped within an inclusive and meaningful curriculum where each individual child’s achievements are valued and celebrated. Our strong sense of community and commitment to nurture enables children to grow and develop to be successful, resilient lifelong learners, well-prepared for life now and in the future.

Our Ethos is driven by the Rossett Acre 3Cs of cultivating Curiosity, our unwavering commitment to Challenge at all levels and our recognition of the importance of our Community.

We combine high quality teaching with a well-planned curriculum that is alive with challenge and involvement for all. Through our core values of the Curiosity, Challenge and Community, children develop a passion for life-long learning, underpinning our school vision of

Excellence and Happiness for All

Home-School Agreement:

A Home-School Agreement is a way of communicating our vision and ethos with parents. We believe this is done most effectively when all staff, parents and children understand their responsibilities, working towards common goals as detailed in our Home-School Agreement.


Rossett Acre Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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