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Red Kite Learning Trust

Our curriculum

Year 5

The Year 5 Class Teachers are Mrs Williams/Miss Matthews and Miss Kirkwood/Mrs Cook


Miss Dolan and Miss McKeown also teach in the Year 5 classes. Miss Bolton, Mrs Lang, Mrs Robinson and Miss Pearson also support us in the classroom.

Please feel free to catch the class teacher at the start or end of the day, or make an appointment with them. .


We teach the National Curriculum 2014 objectives and have several cross-curricular themes throughout the year: The Romans, South America, Kenya and The Edwardians.

Y5 Long Term Plan

Autumn Overview   Spring Term Overview  Summer Term Overview


Each week your child must:

  • Read aloud at least 3 times
  • Complete their Maths homework on Century Tech
  • Practise their times tables regularly (including accessing TTRS)
  • Practise their given spellings
  • Occasional Talk Homework

In addition to this, they will be given a selection of creative projects to choose from. We would expect them to complete at least one per half term.

Your child also has access to Purple Mash.


Maths Targets – these are based on Superhero Times Tables. Progression is as follows:


Table Facts


x2 x5 x10

Hawk Girl

x3 x4


x6 x7 x8

Black Widow

x9 x11 x12


All with division


All with place value – HTU and tenths


2 digits x 1 digit

Wonder Woman

Fractions, decimals and percentages of quantities

English Targets

Each child is given individual writing targets to work towards. They are encouraged to try and achieve these targets every time they write. After demonstrating their ability to use the target four times independently, they can tick it off and are given a new target.

Rossett Acre Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH